Call for collaborations

Tech transfer?
Web services
My recent projects have been published as web services as shown below. If you want to try using the technologies, please visit their websites, preferably with modern web browsers.
Commercial use
My past projects of creativity support tools/environments have been used in university lectures and in commercial events. If you are interested in using them for commercial purpose, contact me.
Open source projects
Some of my technologies have been published as open-source projects at GitHub. Did you know that even this website is open-sourced?

My primary affiliation (AIST) is in-between academia and industry; it does not take students but does allow collaborations with them and sometimes hire them as interns. I regularly work with graduate students who are interested in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and/or Programming Experience (PX) research.
Also, as of July 2018, I have a secondary affiliation at a Japanese animation production company named Arch where I serve as a technical advisor. My role there is to help their research and development effort in creativity support for the animation industry (specifically Japanimation).
Please contact me if you want to work with me with regards to the aforementioned topics. Keep in mind that, generally speaking, the first step toward working with professional researchers is often meeting them at academic conferences and get them know who you are and what you are doing.
Potential ways for collaborations
If you are living outside Japan, remote collaborations would be the easiest. If you have an appropriate visa, it would be possible for me to invite you to Tsukuba and work with you for a short term (e.g. regular internship programs for domestic students last for a month or so).
Otherwise, if you are still interested in face-to-face collaborations, we could together find visa and funding support. My primary affiliation currently has a funding from the JST CREST program and there are also public funding support such as JSPS Summer Program.
Interested in staying in Japan?
Please note that there are currently multiple funding programs that could potentially support graduate students in the HCI research field to come to Japan and work with Japanese top researchers. Please refer to the following websites for more details.