A Web-based Tool for Authoring Anime Storyboards

CHI '24
ISID '22 Best Poster Award
ISID '21 Best Poster Award
Keywords: Creativity

Project summary

The "E-conte," storyboard in English, is commonly referred to as the "blueprint" in Japanese animation (anime) production, serving as a communication medium with a prominent role in anime production. Griffith is a web-based E-conte authoring tool designed with Japanese animation professionals, as part of our long-term effort to intertwine artistic practice and scientific research.

Presentation materials

Room 324 (Floor Level 3), Hawaii Convention Center
Mon, May 13 | 14:00 - 14:15
CHI '24 Program

CHI 2024 Video Preview (30s)

CHI 2024 Pre-recorded Presentation Video

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2022-2024CHI EA '23Creativity


Cite this!2024CHI '24

Griffith: A Storyboarding Tool Designed with Japanese Animation Professionals

Jun Kato, Kenta Hara, Nao Hirasawa
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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Past, Present, and Future of “Toolsmiths” in Japanese Animation

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Jun Kato
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Griffith: Prototype of A Web-based Tool for Authoring Japanese Anime Storyboards

2022ISID '22ISID '22 Best Poster Award
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