
CHI EA '23
Invited article
関連キーワード: Creativity



私は、そうしたエコシステムにおいて人々とコンテンツが織りなす創作文化が果たす役割に着目し、コンテンツの創作・流通過程を支援する創造性支援環境 (Creativity Support Environments)を実現することで、創作文化を工学的につくり支えるインタラクション技術の確立を目指しています。





2019-2025CHI '24Creativity


Lyric App Framework


Special Interest Group on Creativity and Cultures in Computing (SIGCCC)

ACM CHI 2023 で Special Interest Group (カジュアルな研究会合)を主催しました。詳細はイベントページをご覧ください。

Research on creativity support tools (CSTs) has a long history in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); however, researchers often focus on developing novel CSTs and verifying them in a controlled lab setting, rather than on capturing the creative process in the wild.

In reality, creative activity is exploratory, laborious, and involves multiple CSTs; which together form a creativity support environment or ecology. Creative activity is also social, cultural, and collaborative with people distributing, modifying, and reacting to the creations of others. This process can inspire subsequent iterations. To understand and support open-ended, culturally embedded, collaborative creativity, HCI researchers are seeking new methods to study the sociocultural aspects of creativity support.

This Special Interest Group on Creativity and Cultures in Computing (SIGCCC) invites diverse researchers to provide a forum for CST discussions from a wide sociocultural lens. The participants will identify and discuss the state-of-the-art and conceptualize future directions for creativity support research.

また、産業技術総合研究所として AIST Creative HCI Seminar というセミナーシリーズを開講しています。 初回のテーマが「創造性支援」で上記 SIGCCC 提案者ともメンバーが重複しておりますので、ぜひアーカイブ配信をご覧ください。

On the Relationship between HCI Researchers and Creators
— or How I Became a Toolsmith

ACM が発行する学生向けの季刊雑誌 XRDS において "Exploring the Horizon of Computation for Creativity" と題して特集が組まれ、これまでの創造性支援研究に関して寄稿しました。

Research on creativity support tools in Human-Computer Interaction often focuses on novel interaction design, but that is just the tip of the iceberg.

This article discusses the importance of helping creative activities "in the wild" through the author's experience of immersing himself in the creators' environment, talking to them to understand their needs, and revealing the rich history via multidisciplinary studies.

It highlights two case studies: TextAlive, developing an AI-enabled creativity support environment for authoring and distributing lyric videos and apps, and Griffith, developing a web-based storyboarding tool.

These examples emphasize the need for a slow-paced yet in-depth research process that blends technological innovation with a deep appreciation of the cultural contexts of the creative process.


引用するならコレ!2023CHI EA '23

Special Interest Group on Creativity and Cultures in Computing

Jun Kato, Jonas Frich, Zhicong Lu, Jennifer Jacobs, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Celine Latulipe
Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

On the Relationship between HCI Researchers and Creators---Or How I Became a Toolsmith

2023Invited article
Jun Kato
XRDS 29(4), pp.26-31


ACM XRDS について追記
SIGCCC および AIST Creative HCI Seminar について追記